I genuinely believe there's something special, empowering, and inspiring when I'm connecting with an audience.

Speakers have the responsibility not only to engage and captivate their audience but, most importantly, to ensure each audience member feels connected with their message. In addition to building software, mentoring, and growing engineering teams, I truly love speaking. Here's a highlight of a few speaking engagements.

Beyond the business case for diversity with Gary Vaynerchuck

I was a panelist on “Beyond the business case for diversity with Gary Vaynerchuck”


NY AI Summit - How well does A.I. understand culture?

At NY AI Summit, I gave a talk entitled, “How well does A.I. understand culture?”


FITC - What effects will AI, Predictive Analytics, Race, and Culture have on our future?

At FITC, I moderated a panel entitled What effects will AI, Predictive Analytics, Race, and Culture have on our future?


Fireside chat with Brandon Andrews (Shark Tank)

At VaynerMedia, as part of our Black History Month Celebration, I hosted a fireside chat with Brandon Andrews Co-Founder of Gauge.